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Electron spin resonance spectrometer


Electron spin resonance (ESR) is a phenomenon that unpaired electrons absorb microwave at the time of transition between Zeeman energy levels in a magnetic field. The spectrometer detects unpaired electrons in materials by observing microwave absorption when the sample is place in a magnetic field. It identifies the radical species and atomic configurations of paramagnetic defects with features such as a hyperfine structure, which is a splitting of a line due to the magnetic moment of a nearby nucleus. Some radicals and paramagnetic defect are created by ionizing radiation where the radiation doses due to radiation accidents are determined by measuring the number of spins in the dosimetric materials. Geological and archaeological ages are also determined by measuring the natural radiation doses accumulated in the materials to be dated. Powder materials placed in a standard sample tube is the most common for measuring ESR while measurements of angular dependence of a single crystal with a goniometer and of aqueous solution with a special flat cell are also available.


Name (abbreviation) Electron spin resonance spectrometer(ESR)
Model number (manufacturer) JES-PX2300 (JEOL)
Sensitivity 7×10^9 spin/G for X band continuous wave mesurements
Microwave power range 0.0001-200 mW
Magnetic field up to 1.3T 
Field resolution 2nT
Other features Temperature range 4.2K- 200℃
Standard Mn marker
Q-band measurements
Installation location Room ⑤, 2nd floor, Building A3
Equipment manager Prof. Shin Toyoda, Institute of Paleontology and Geochronology
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